WHEELS for VSI Liberia

WHEELS for VSI Liberia

We know this is a BIG need - but it is a NEED.

Our Liberia training center can't function without a vehicle any longer. Ernest has been donating the use of his personal car and it's wearing out. His car broke down 4 times just during our one week with them last November.

A vehicle is essential for us to:

  • Reach remote villages for training and evangelism
  • Conduct workshops at local schools
  • Collect supplies and get goods to market
  • Save costs over renting drivers. Our transportation costs last November were $1000 for just that event alone.

We have an opportunity to obtain a reliable vehicle (validated by a trusted mechanic), at an affordable price ($5000), with an interest-free payment option.

We understand everyone is struggling with finances today - as our cost-of-living has gone up - so we are asking for your support in a "many hands makes light work" fundraiser.    This is an opportunity for us all to inexpensively partner together for the Kingdom work that is taking place weekly at our Liberia Training Center.

We have divided up the vehicle into multiple parts; starting at just $10

Once all of the vehicle parts are sold, it will be paid in full!

THANK YOU for willingly joining hands with us to meet this need - one vehicle part at a time!

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